
with professionals who negotiate for human lives and train specialized police, counterterrorism, intelligence, and diplomatic services around the world

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About us

The members of our team have more than 57 years of combined experience in crisis negotiations around the world, during which they have successfully resolved more than 740 cases of kidnapping for ransom, suicidal behaviour, barricade situations, hostage-taking, threat extortion, maritime piracy, illegal detention and product contamination.

The global market for negotiation training is vast and features various courses at different levels of content quality and instructor credibility. From credible to dubious, from flashy to almost invisible, from modest to bombastic. “Hostage negotiation” know-how is almost routinely claimed, even though the instructors of most courses have never undertaken any such training themselves.

Not only has every single one of our instructors completed numerous elite hostage and crisis negotiation training courses, but each also regularly puts their knowledge and skills to test in some of the most stressful situations imaginable. We guarantee that the communication and influence skills and tools that you will acquire during our training are tried and tested, and that they habitually assist the resolution of even the most difficult crisis situations around the globe.

You will not only get the opportunity to learn these skills, but to also immediately put them to test in high-pressure simulations, so that you can build up the necessary capacity and confidence to use them effectively in your everyday life. Anyone can steer a boat on a calm sea. "Only the storm reveals true captains". Our instructors in their professional capacity regularly experience such storms as they negotiate to save human lives around the word. They will pass on their experiences to you, to help you succeed in your own complex negotiations.

professional instructors

years of collective experience in crisis negotiation

successfully resolved cases of kidnapping for ransom, barricade situations, hostage taking, suicidal behaviour, maritime piracy,
threat extortion, illegal detention, product contamination, and cyber extortion

% success rate in negotiations where human life is at stake

published books on hostage negotiations and terrorism


46 countries in which we have 
operational experience with crisis negotiations

71 countries where we have delivered lectures and training for
security forces, NGOs, international organizations and the private sector

Date of next training event


The next training event (in Czech) will take place in Poděbrady, in Central park hotel. Accommodation and meals will be provided on site, so that we can maintain the pace of training and ensure continuity, and thereby achieve the maximum impact in terms of advancing your negotiation skills.

The maximum capacity of this training course is strictly limited to 12 participants.


If you are interested in attending, please contact us Request form



globally recognized negotiator, author, field researcher in conflict zones



Former hostage and crisis negotiator with the Czech Republic national police (17 years), negotiation instructor, bestselling author of Vyjednavač (The Negotiator)


MATT TODD, PhD English

with over 600 deployments, one of the most experienced crisis and hostage negotiators in the world



  • Our training is for everyone who is interested in improving their negotiation and communication skills. Beginners often experience a transformational “aha!” moment accompanied by a rapid capability growth, while even the most experienced global negotiators leave our courses with their negotiation tools sharper and more refined than before.

  • Each course is strictly limited to a maximum of 12 participants, in order to ensure a highly personalized approach, as well as detailed feedback during exercises and simulations. There are two instructors in each course (Matt and Adam in the English version, and Karel and Adam in the Czech language version.)

  • Negotiation is nothing more than communication with a purpose. All of us negotiate multiple times a day, in every interaction in which we are trying to influence someone else’s actions or behavior. Contrary to popular belief effective negotiation is not primarily about a masterful presentation of one's own views or opinions, but rather about using the skill of focused, deep listening, which allows us to uncover the needs, wants, values, beliefs and motivators of our counterpart. This information then provides us with valuable clues to how we can most effectively bring our counterpart to agreement with what we want. The listening and influence skills that you will acquire in our training are highly usable in everyday situations, both in your professional, as well as your personal life. Speaking from our own experience, the acquisition of these skills will in all likelihood change your life, and the way that you view human communication and relationships.

  • Our key competitive advantage lies not only in the unparalleled qualifications and experience of our instructors, but also in our approach. With us, you will not only learn cutting-edge negotiation know-how, but more importantly, you will acquire specific skills, which you will be able to immediately put into practice in highly realistic negotiation exercises and simulations. The only measure of success in our courses is the progress that every single course participant makes, and effectiveness with which they are able to apply their negotiation skills at the conclusion of the course. Our training is not about us and how we look, it is solely about you and your needs.

  • Elite negotiators never stop learning and practice their skills every day. There are no experts - only people with different levels of knowledge and experience. Each of us always has something to learn (not only) in negotiation.


Negotiation training

No one has ever really taught us how to listen. From childhood we are brought up to believe that good communication entails, above all, the ability to present our views in an articulate fashion, and to speak clearly and in a way that everyone can understand us. This could not be more wrong.

Educational teambuilding

Teambuilding does not have to be just an intense bonding experience designed to strengthen cohesion and cooperation within a team. It can also simultaneously enhance crucial competencies of your individual employees in key areas, such as negotiation, communication skills or crisis management.

Negotiation consultancy and coaching

Are you facing a difficult negotiation? We will help you prepare and will guide you through the whole process in the role of invisible advisors operating in the background. No matter what type of pressure you are under, we can help you achieve the best possible results.

Keynote speakers

Are you looking for an unusual and inspiring keynote speaker for your event? Our instructors will entertain and captivate your audience, while simultaneously also challenging the way we think about negotiation and communication in business and in everyday life interactions.




Please contact us for more information.
